Certain windows are not opening in the last position/size I used them at [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to save window positions?

Certain windows are not opening in the last position/size I used them at. Opening "compose a message" with evolution through the message menu on the toolbar opens a window that is always in the top left of my screen. Opening Firefox 4.0 always opens maximized, even if i last used it in "windowed" mode. Other things I've tried that won't remember my custom positions: ccsm, terminal, gedit, sound recorder, calculator. Some other stuff works fine like banshee, empathy, shutter, deluge.

Is this a bug? Is there a way to make these applications open in their last used positions/sizes?

Further to what David said, you can use CCSM to play with this behavior.

In the 'Place Windows' plug-in option you can pick from a range of options. I've found 'smart' preserves the majority of my settings.

This is especially true if you've got a dual monitor setup; i found i needed to use 'place across all outputs' to get my expected behavior.

I think Unity defaults to attempting to maximize applications, however. At least, that's what I've found.