Does anyone use DD-WRT/OpenWRT etc. at their office? [closed]

Does anyone use any of the third party router/AP firmwares (DD-WRT, OpenWRT, Tomato, etc.) in an office environment?
How many users does it handle well?
How long have you been using it?

I understand one of the risks is limited support but the cost savings could justify that.

We use them everywhere, I think we got about a hundred used in production, from simple firewalls to asterix nodes. We have standardized on ASUS WL-500GP hardware. We have developed some scripts in-house to handle upgrades and "config" snapshots. The only thing we really miss is accelerated crypto for OpenVPN.

We have used DDWRT for over a year now and have never had an prob with it. We run it on a WRT54G that is on and open to the public 24/7. I may have had to restart it 3 times in the last year or so. We frequently have 15-25 wireless users.

There is plenty of support for DDWRT online and I would definitely recommend it. If you have read anything about it you know that it has a ton of features that just arent available anywhere else. (features here )

I am also running it at home on the same router, which lives in my HOT attic. The temperature doesnt seem to affect it at all, even under a heavy load.

We use OpenWRT at work, both in the office and DC. It'll handle as many machines as your wireless bandwidth will support, as far as I can tell. I don't know how long we've been using it, it was here when I got here.