Add Environment Variable to PATH

Solution 1:

Your variables are out of order. You cannot set a variable based on other variables defined after it.

Set the commands in your ~/.bash_profile to the following:

export BRANCH_NAME=dev
export DEV_CLI="/path/to/cli/$BRANCH_NAME/bin"

Why this is happening...

  1. When you open a new shell, it reads ~/.bash_profile
  2. It sets a PATH environment variable with other environment variables that aren't defined yet (DEV_CLI and BRANCH_NAME)
  3. The environment variables are then defined
  4. You re-source ~/.bash_profile and sets the PATH again, this time with defined variables

It's important to note that this has nothing to do with the Apple "eco system," per se. This is a Bash issue, and more generally a shell issue; you would literally have this problem whether you were on Apple, BSD, Linux, Unix and even Windows.