How to remove multiple docker images with the same imageID?

Solution 1:

Here is a way you could do this. Run the command:

docker images | grep 810001cb03af | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}' | xargs docker rmi

where 810001cb03af is your image id.

Solution 2:

Here is one way :

Repository and tag data can be provided to "docker rmi" command to remove image if images id are same.


docker rmi [repository_name1]:[tag1] [repository_name2]:[tag2]


docker rmi test-nginx:latest ubuntu:latest

Note : one needs to name and tag the image appropriately to use the above command effectively for requirement mentioned in the question.

Refer Docker docs for "docker rmi" command help : here

Solution 3:

Short Answer:

Remove it by id and use -f flag:

$ docker rmi -f fd484f19954f

Untagged: test1:latest
Untagged: test2:latest
Deleted: fd484f19954f4920da7ff372b5067f5b7ddb2fd3830cecd17b96ea9e286ba5b8


These are not multiple images with same id. This is actually one image that is referenced in multiple repositories (i.e. given multiple names/tags). This scenario is described exactly in rmi command documentation

You can remove an image using its short or long ID, its tag, or its digest. If an image has one or more tag referencing it, you must remove all of them before the image is removed. Digest references are removed automatically when an image is removed by tag.


$ docker images

REPOSITORY                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
test1                     latest              fd484f19954f        23 seconds ago      7 B (virtual 4.964 MB)
test2                     latest              fd484f19954f        23 seconds ago      7 B (virtual 4.964 MB)

You can, as an alternative to the short answer above, remove tags one by one (the last tag will actually remove the image too):

$ docker rmi test1:latest

Untagged: test1:latest

$ docker rmi test2:latest

Untagged: test2:latest
Deleted: fd484f19954f4920da7ff372b5067f5b7ddb2fd3830cecd17b96ea9e286ba5b8