What is a term to refer to two ideas in exact opposition (e.g. good & bad, positive & negative)? [closed]

Solution 1:

polar opposites:

polar opposite ‎(plural polar opposites):

The complete opposite, opposite in every way.


"Polar opposites" might also refer to the scientific or technical definition of two things having exactly opposing or inverted polarity, sign, orientation, or some other property.

Solution 2:

I'd suggest dichotomy:

a difference between two opposite things : a division into two opposite groups.

Source - Merriam-Webster

Solution 3:


  1. in direct opposition; being at opposite extremes; complete: diametrical opposites; a diametrical difference. –dictionary.com

Two things which are absolute opposites of each other, are diametrically opposed or diametric. We often perceive coins as being diametric, while forgetting that they have a third side: the edge.

Solution 4:

Try antipodes at dictionary.com

either or both of two opposite things. (from singular "exact or opposite things")

They both are antipodes.