Adding a signature to Automator email

I have a little automator script that creates an email.

This works. I would however like to add a specific signature to the email.

The signature is called "Default Sig".

I tried this, but it doesn't work. How can I implement this?

Thanks - Joseph enter image description here

Solution 1:


You can set the signature yourself with AppleScript:

tell application "Mail"
    set myMessage to make outgoing message
    set subject of myMessage to "this is the subject"
    set content of myMessage to "this is the content."
    set message signature of myMessage to (signature named "Default Sig")
end tell

See AppleScript/Automate Mail Tasks for sample AppleScripts to create, combine, and send messages.

Graphic User Interface (GUI) Scripting

While less reliable, you could try scripting the GUI to select the signature.