Correct way to share functions between components in React

Solution 1:

Utils.js with latest Javascript ES6 syntax

Create the Utils.js file like this with multiple functions, etc

const someCommonValues = ['common', 'values'];

export const doSomethingWithInput = (theInput) => {
   //Do something with the input
   return theInput;

export const justAnAlert = () => {

Then in your components that you want to use the util functions, import the specific functions that are needed. You don't have to import everything

import {doSomethingWithInput, justAnAlert} from './path/to/utils.js/file'

And then use these functions within the component like this:


Solution 2:

If you use something like browserify then you can have an external file i.e util.js that exports some utility functions.

var doSomething = function(num) {
 return num + 1;

exports.doSomething = doSomething;

Then require it as needed

var doSomething = require('./util.js').doSomething;