Linking fails [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'TYPES.OBJ'

I have been updating code fomr an old legacy project build using C++ Builder 2010 to compile with C++ Builder 10 Seattle. I have mostly had to change paths, a lot of dupIgnore to TDuplicates::dupIgnore, reimport some components like MSXML and MSMQ etc.

First for a bunch of subprojects that the main project uses in the form of bpl's and dll's and finally the code of the main project compiles.

But... it fails a linking :P

[ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'TYPES.OBJ'

I have tried to find info about potential issues and many mention making sure System is supplied in the Unit Scope under the Delphi Compiler settings. But that is already present for this project. What else could be causing this?

For information. Compiled using "classic" bcc32 compiler for now.

Include Path:


Library Path:


I think you should find string TYPES.OBJ in all files in your project, after you need remove this string from found files. Before this do not forget to make a backup project directory.

I had a similar problem when I convert old project from BCB5 to BCB 6. When I deleted the string with ".obj" filename from project file with ".bpr" extension my problem was solved.

String in Project1.bpr project file was like:

<OBJFILES value="Unit1.obj Types.obj"/>

after modification:

<OBJFILES value="Unit1.obj"/>