Group array data on one column and sum data from another column

So, first you need $amountsArray to get assigned the values you listed, somehow. Then:

$bankTotals = array();
foreach($amountsArray as $amount)
  $bankTotals[$amount['name']] += $amount['amount'];

After this, $bankTotals is an array indexed on name of the bank, with the value of the total amount for the bank. You can use this array as you see fit from here.

One thing that might be useful is another foreach loop to print it all out:

foreach($bankTotals as $name => $amount)
  echo $name.".....".$amount."\n";


// array of bank structure
$banks = array();
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BRI','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BRI','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BCA','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank CIMB','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BRI','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank CIMB','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BRI','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BNI','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank CIMB','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BCA','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank Mandiri','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BCA','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank BCA','amount'=>rand());
$banks[] = array('name'=>'Bank Permata','amount'=>rand());

// begin the iteration for grouping bank name and calculate the amount
$amount = array();
foreach($banks as $bank) {
    $index = bank_exists($bank['name'], $amount);
    if ($index < 0) {
        $amount[] = $bank;
    else {
        $amount[$index]['amount'] +=  $bank['amount'];
print_r($amount); //display 

// for search if a bank has been added into $amount, returns the key (index)
function bank_exists($bankname, $array) {
    $result = -1;
    for($i=0; $i<sizeof($array); $i++) {
        if ($array[$i]['name'] == $bankname) {
            $result = $i;
    return $result;