Is there a preposition that combines "to" and "from"?

I am looking for a word to use in a class name (programming).

To make the example more meaningful in this community, let's say this is about language translating.

Let's say there is one class that is called EnglishToFrench, which can translate from English to French, and another class EnglishFromFrench (or FrenchToEnglish), which can translate from French to English.

Now I want to create a new class that can translate in both directions.

The best I can come up with so far is EnglishVsFrench. But this is not really it.

Is there anything closer to what I am looking for? Ideally something short and catchy..


  • I think in my native language (German) there is no such preposition.
  • The real use case is something like type casting, so StringToObject, ObjectToString, String?Object. But don't spend too much thought on this.

Solution 1:

No, I don't believe there is such a preposition. I had a quick look at the list of English prepositions at Wikipedia, but I didn't see anything suitable.

You could use "ToOrFrom", or make up your own preposition: "ToFrom".

Personally I would just call the class EnglishFrenchTranslator.

Solution 2:

Translators use: English<>French; or French<>English. To answer your question, no there is no such preposition. Short and catchy? For a preposition?

The idea of <> can be expressed by the word bi-directional. That would work in programming, too. Something that works in two directions...

Solution 3:

I would use "BetweenEnglishFrench". To me that indicates both or either direction. According to Purdue OWL ( "between" is a preposition.