Phone numbers in iPhone's Notes are automtically hyperlinked and hard to see

When I type a phone number in iPhone's Notes app, it gets hyperlinked -- against my wishes. It then takes on a yellow font colour, making it impossible to see. Is there any way to avoid this?

I'm not a fan of cavalier installation of apps (which is why I moved to iPhone from Android), so a native setting is preferred over having to install an app. I am using iPhone SE.

Even if there was a way to just change the color of the hyperlink from yellow to a colour that is actually visible on white background, that would help.

One answer to this question (below) suggested increasing the font size to compensate for the relative invisibility of yellow text. It's certainly not ideal, but it seems that I can't even experiment with that. The Notes app on my iPhone SE doesn't have the formatting buttons found on an iPad (see image below). The respondent's iPhone, also running iOS 11.4, does have formatting buttons. If anyone with an iPhone SE specifically can confirm whether they have formatting buttons, that may corroborate the speculation that the formatting buttons are absent for the iPhone SE specifically, due to its thin width.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

One option on your iPad is after to type in your number tap the Aa button on the left side over the keyboard. This won't allow you to change the font color but you can change the font size by selecting Title and make it bold. This increases the visibility by a lot on my iPad. You must do it immediately after typing the number in. Here Here is the location of the formatting buttons.