How could you kill yourself with a headshot?

In CSGO, you can do actions that will provoke your own death (mostly by grenades, or by falling too high)

But then I find this on reddit:

Suicide by headshot

This doesn't make sense. Grenades can't headshot. So how can you kill yourself with a headshot?

I think this was answered in the original Reddit thread- OP posted this answer to a similar question posed by u/Redzonefresh

Well, it's easy. You have to get a gun and put it up t...

No but seriously, I just joined the match in the warmup, and I think someone joined and that killed/disconnected the bot that shot Yogi and it just appeared as suicide (just like when you kill someone and instanly get banned, it just shows that you killed yourself). And the headshot is because Yogi died by a headshot