ECMA 6 Not working although experimental js is enabled

I have the latest Chrome version (45 and also Chrome Canary which is in version 47), both with the Experimental Javascript flag enabled. I want to use ECMA6, but it doesn't work. I don't know why. Is there any trick or other flag that must be enabled too?

Every reserved word of ECMA6 (like import, class, or whatever) throws an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word" error in Chrome 45 and an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import" error in Chrome Canary.

I will appreciate any help. And, because I asked this a few months ago without getting any answer but "possible duplicate" of this Using ECMAScript 6 , it is not. It does not solve my problem.


--- EDIT --- I want to use modules, since I like more the ecma6 modules than using Require or Common. And I also like the sugar syntax of classes, code looks better :)

Solution 1:

Modules are not yet natively supported in any browser. You will need to use a transpiler such as Traceur or Babel. Take a look at one of the following to help you get started:

  • Choose ES6 modules Today!
  • ES6 In Depth: Using ES6 today with Babel and Broccoli
  • Writing client-side ES6 with webpack

As for classes, you may be able to use these natively without having to go through a transpiler. You can check the compatibility table here to see which browsers support classes natively today:

As of right now, you can see that the majority of browsers do not yet support classes natively. However, if you are using Babel or Traceur, that shouldn't be a concern.

Solution 2:

Add type="module" to the script tag. That should solve your problem.