Minecraft 1.10.2 command block crash [closed]

I built a command block with some command and I can't play the world anymore. Everytime I try to start the world it crashes and turn off Minecraft. Is there some way how to remove that command block without starting the world?

I doubt your command block is causing the world to crash. Here is a solution to use an external application to set the command block's command value to nothing. I recommend making a backup copy of the world before attempting this in case something goes wrong. I have used NBTExplorer to modify many worlds without problems.

Go download NBTExplorer. It's free. It is a small editor for NBT files. It is useful for many things in Minecraft.

Open it. Click on the world name you want to search. (In my case BigRed)


Open Search menu, click Find menu.

Check the Name check box and type Command in the search field, type the command or part of the command in the value field and click Find.


It will find a command block and you will see something like this:


It shows the command in the command block. If it is not the correct command block, open Search menu and click Find Next. Continue this until you find the correct command block.

Make sure you don't have the world open in minecraft and double click the line containing Command and set the command value to nothing. Click File -> Save before trying to play the world.

When you open that command block in game, the command portion will be blank.