uninstall init.d update-rc.d remove

I installed an init.d script with this command:

sudo update-rc.d mongodb defaults 98 02

I want to uninstall it, so I'm planning on running:

sudo update-rc.d -f mongodb remove

I'm concerned about the start and stop conditions in the installation command.
Will running the remove cause the start and stop conditions to be removed also?

Are there any implications that I should be aware of?

Solution 1:

Will running the remove cause the start and stop conditions to be removed also?

It will remove any instance of your script from the system, meaning, any link in /etc/rc*runlevel*.d to the mongodb script in your /etc/init.d.

Are there any implications that I should be aware of?

If some other script depends of mongodb to start/stop it will fail.

Check the manpage for a complete description.