Webkit CSS Animation issue - persisting the end state of the animation? [duplicate]

You can use -webkit-animation-fill-mode to persist the end state (or even extend the start state backwards). It was added to WebKit a while ago, and shipped in iOS 4 and Safari 5.

-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;

If you define the end state in the class then it should do what you want in the example:

.drop_box {
    -webkit-transform: translateY(100px);
    -webkit-animation-name: drop;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 2s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1;

But if your animation is event driven anyway you will probably end up having to use a bit of JavaScript. The easiest way is to make the adding of the class with the end state in it be what triggers the animation to start.


See dino's answer for information on the animation-fill-mode property added in the April 2012 WD.

Just to add to the great answers here, you could use a javascript framework such as jQuery Transit that handles the CSS3 transitions for you.

Depending on how many transitions/effects you will be doing, this may be a better solution in keeping your code clean rather than keeping up with a large CSS file that has all of your effects in it.

This is a very simple one-liner that accomplishes what you want:


$(".drop_box").transition({y: "+=100px"}, 2000);

JS Fiddle Demo