How to get Current Timestamp from Carbon in Laravel 5

I want to get current timestamp in laravel 5 and I have done this-

$current_time = Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();

I am getting eror- 'Carbon not found'-

enter image description here

What can I do?

Can anyone help, please?

You can try this if you want date time string:

use Carbon\Carbon;
$current_date_time = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(); // Produces something like "2019-03-11 12:25:00"

If you want timestamp, you can try:

use Carbon\Carbon;
$current_timestamp = Carbon::now()->timestamp; // Produces something like 1552296328

See the official Carbon documentation here.

For Laravel 5.5 or above just use the built in helper

$timestamp = now();

If you want a unix timestamp, you can also try this:

$unix_timestamp = now()->timestamp;

You need to add another \ before your carbon class to start in the root namespace.

$current_time = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();

Also, make sure Carbon is loaded in your composer.json.