Simple word related to "a group of intellectuals" or "a group of smart learners"

Solution 1:

Intelligentsia. A word of Russian origin (интеллигенция,intelligyentsia), imported into English in 1905, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary . It might be a little outmoded now.

Of course you might invent words like punditorat ...

Solution 2:

In England I would probably use the word boffins.

Our crack team of boffins laboured through the night decoding enemy transmissions.

Solution 3:

I can suggest nerds or eggheads (some might consider this impolite though).

@Georges Elencwajg has given a good choice in intelligentsia which has the synonyms clerisy and literati.

clerisy: men of learning as a class or collectively; the intelligentsia or literati.


literati [ˌlɪtəˈrɑːtiː]: literary or scholarly people

Solution 4:

You might be interested in the word "salon", which was used to refer to a gathering of intellectuals in 17th and 18th century France.

Solution 5:

Collective nouns?

  • Pomposity of professors
  • A pretension of intellects

From AllSorts:

  • A spell of wizards
  • An arrogance of intellectuals