Best way to improve combat without paying for training?

I would like to increase my Warfare and Sword skill without having to pay anyone for training.

So far I have been doing the main quest (left Neuhof) and the miller quest and have encountered very little fighting. Every now and then there is a bandit in the woods but is usualy alone and really easy to take down.

Is there a place I can go spar like I did in the begining with capitan Bernard? Or is there an area where I can find lots of bandits?

Solution 1:

After Bernard returns from Neuhof to Rattay you can spar with him again. He should offer the dialogue options to spar or spar with real weapons. Both will give experience in the combat abilities.

Solution 2:

Also, since the Tournament udpate, you can now enroll in the Rattay tourney every 5 days (approximately) by talking to the herald in the upper castle courtyard. But the registration fee is 60 groschens, but you can earn much more if you win the fights. Also, Miller Peshek makes bets on the tourney too.

If you own the From the Ashes DLC, you can also build (not for free though) a guard house somewhere (I won't spoil you where), which comes with a fighting area and a master-at-arms where you can train for free.