Profile error when launching google-chrome [duplicate]

This worked for me. Give it a try, this procedure includes a backup of your google-chrome profile folder, so that you can revert it if this seems not to work for you.

Pasted here for your convenience.

  1. If the browser is open, close it down.
  2. Open a terminal and run: mv ~/.config/google-chrome ~/.config/google-chrome-old
  3. Launch google-chrome, you will be asked to choose your search engine, your choice.
  4. Close coogle-chrome (yes, click the close button)
  5. After closing the browser you will have a new user profile at ~/.config/google-chrome
  6. Then let's copy your profile into the new place by running the next in the terminal. cp -r ~/.config/google-chrome-old/Default ~/.config/google-chrome/

I hope this help you.

Good luck!

Probably it is a bad permission on the directory where the profile is stored. Your user should have rw permission and be the owner of it.


is probably the directory so you may have to execute:

sudo chmod -R u+rw ~/.config/google-chrome
sudo chown -R your_user ~/.config/google-chrome

or simply remove the directory so Chrome will make a new one:

rm -r ~/.config/google-chrome