How to change git branch in Android Studio

I have 2 branches in my gitlab project. Now I'm on the master (default) branch. I want to change it to another base, this is what I tried:

When I go to VCS -> Git -> Branches, and click Checkout tag or revision I always get an error :

pathspec 'my branch' did not match any files known to git

What should I do? All I want to do is to change the branch and do a pull request.

To checkout a different branch from within Android Studio:

Under VCS -> Git -> Branches you will see this screen

enter image description here

under Local branches you will see the local branches you can checkout. At the very bottom you see the currently checked out branch (in my case master). To checkout a different branch, select it and click Checkout.

enter image description here

In my example I only have one other local branch, named test. That is why it only shows that one.

After checking out a different branch, this window will pop up in the bottom of the screen

enter image description here

In order to get your remote branches to show up in Android Studio, you first need to fetch them:

VCS -> Git -> Fetch. After that, it will show up

enter image description here

I've noticed that when I try this flow, and then paste the branch name in, I get:

Couldn't checkout foo: fatal: 'foo^0' is not a valid branch name. I don't what is inserting the ^0 a the end,

So I instead just call git checkout (paste branch name) from the command line, which works.

Open terminal of AndroidStudio then type

git checkout name_of_branch_you_want_to_switch