Windows FTP failed to work [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Command-line FTP function does not work

I am trying to copy file to a remote ftp account, but failed.

The same FTP file upload work in filezilla but not working in windows FTP command line.

The settings:

port: 21
transfer mode: active
type: plain ftp

I go to command line then

lcd "C:\testfolder"
open 21
user dummyuser
password dummypassword
cd "httpdocs/log"
prompt n
put "abc.txt" (hangs at put)

When it hang, the message show is: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for abc.txt

abc.txt is successfully created at remote ftp, but the file content is 0 byte.

It keep on hang there.

Ok, found the fixes.

Command-line FTP function does not work

comment by Pants, saying add ftp.exe into windows firewall exception list do works.