brew cask upgrade does not seem to work
~$ brew cask --version
Homebrew-Cask 1.6.6
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 1c78e; last commit 2018-06-01)
~$ brew update
Already up-to-date.
~$ brew cask outdated
~$ brew cask info google-chrome
google-chrome: 67.0.3396.62
/usr/local/Caskroom/google-chrome/66.0.3359.181 (2 files, 77.5KB)
==> Name
Google Chrome
==> Artifacts
Google (App)
Above is the output when I was trying to upgrade google-chrome. It looks like I have Chrome version 66, but the server already has version 67. However, I was not able to upgrade it with brew cask upgrade. I'm wondering whether I have done anything wrong.
Solution 1:
There is no upgrade
command available for brew cask
. The GUI apps are updates by running Check for updates...
from within the application which is generally found in the menu.
You can force install a newer version of the cask item by running brew cask reinstall <package>
. In case of Google Chrome, run brew cask reinstall google-chrome
You can use brew cask upgrade --greedy
to upgrade all the GUI apps to respective latest version. From man brew-cask
upgrade [--force] [--greedy] token [ token ... ]
Without token arguments, upgrade all the installed Casks that have newer versions available in the tap; otherwise update the tokens given in the command line. If --greedy is given then also upgrade the Casks having auto_updates true or version :latest.