How do you put a Stained Glass Block on an Armor Stand's Head?
The Equipment
list was updated in 1.9 to ArmorItems
Your list also contains 4 empty brackets and then the item bracket. This is too many. The head slot is the 4th bracket set. This is probably because you were working with a pre 1.9 command to start with.
You are also missing Count
to specify quantity.
I also specified data types by following the number value by the proper letter.
These commands have been tested and work properly in 1.12.2:
/entitydata @e[type=armor_stand,r=1] {Invisible:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:stained_glass",Damage:14b,Count:1b}]}
/summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Invisible:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:stained_glass",Damage:14b,Count:1b}]}