Converting a Mercurial (hg) repository to Git on Windows (7)

Solution 1:

  1. Install Cygwin (with python, hg, git)
  2. Install git-hg
  3. run git-hg clone ...url...

Or tell me what the url is for this hg repo of yours, and I can convert it for you.

Solution 2:

There is a lot of conflicting information about how to convert Mercurial repositories to Git on Windows. It really is pretty easy and only requires TortoiseHg and Git to be installed.


Enable hg-git by adding the following to your Mercurial config file (%Userprofile%\mercurial.ini):

hggit = 
hgext.bookmarks =

intree = True


Navigate to the repository directory (that contains the .hg subdirectory) on the command line and execute the following commands:

hg bookmark -r default master
hg gexport --debug
git config --bool core.bare false
git reset HEAD -- .

More information

You can find a detailed description of these steps in my blog article on the subject.

Solution 3:

Have you considered installing msysgit? The git bash shell it gives you should be able to run .sh files.

Solution 4:

Everything I've read about these Hg converters for Git does point out one obvious error you've made: Using Python 3!

Those Python errors you've been getting are due to scripts like hg-git and fast-export being built using Python 2.6. Python 3 treats "print" differently, hence your errors.

Either rewrite the scripts to work with your version or install Python 2.6.

Make sure to add it to your PATH setting. Same goes for when you install msysGit. Be sure you choose the second option at install to add Git to your path.

You also need Mercurial For Python, available at TortoiseHG's thg-winbuild project:

The file will be named '' for 64-bit Windows and 'mercurial-2.2.2.win32-py2.6.exe' for 32-bit. While you're at it, get the companion Mercurial 2.2.2 installer, just in case.

Although you stated you don't wish to install yet another VCS software, using any of these Hg converters requires Mercurial to also be installed.

Another pitfall to look out for is these converters may not work with the latest versions of Mercurial. You might need to experiment a bit with older releases to find one that works well with the scripts.

Be sure to carefully read through the tutorials and the Readme files for whichever converter you settle upon using. It seems a lot of your grief and trouble stems from having impatiently jumped into the deep end after only skimming the documentation.

There are patches available that add Mercurial support to Git and msysGit, but you'll need to be comfortable with patching and compiling from source if you wish to follow that route.