jQuery datatables add class to tr
Solution 1:
$('tr', row)
is looking for a tr element in the context of row, meaning it will search for a tr element inside the row
provided as context parameter.
According to API, this should work
Solution 2:
You would just have to use the createdRow
$('#data-table').DataTable( {
createdRow: function( row, data, dataIndex ) {
// Set the data-status attribute, and add a class
$( row ).find('td:eq(0)')
.attr('data-status', data.status ? 'locked' : 'unlocked')
.addClass('asset-context box');
} );
Solution 3:
DataTable().row.add() situation:
If you want to add class when using row add function in Datatables, you could get the TR-DOM from node()
var datatable = $('#resultTable').DataTable();
var trDOM = datatable.row.add( [
] ).draw().node();
$( trDOM ).addClass('myClass');
Solution 4:
To set a class name on the <tr>
use this calback
createdRow: function (row, data, dataIndex) {
ref: https://datatables.net/reference/option/createdRow
To set a class on the <td>
"columns": [
className: "my_class",
render: function (data, type, row) { return "..."; }
className: "my_class",
render: function (data, type, row) { return "..."; }
Something similar for 'columnDefs'
ref: https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns.className
To set the Id attribute on the row <tr>
rowId: "ShipmentId",
columns: [...],
Solution 5:
Also you can add class to tr
by pass through json data that you send to datatable. It's enough that every json item has DT_RowClass
For example:
DT_RowAttr = new
attr1 = "1",
attr2 = "2"
DT_RowClass = "majid",
DT_RowId = "rowId"
In this example DT_RowId
value apply to id
attribute of any tr
tag and DT_RowAttr
value apply some custom attribute to tr