Is there a term for turning a short statement into a long essay just to make sure no one gets offended?

Solution 1:

A somewhat blunt term for finessing a statement this way is pussyfooting around.

to avoid making a definite decision or stating a definite opinion because of fear, doubt, etc.

"Pussyfoot." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 18 May 2016.

It's commonly heard as "stop pussyfooting around" and is well suited to disclamatory bloat that retracts the statement but leaves the idea in your head.

Solution 2:

Writing a long essay instead of a short sentence could be done to:

Cover (one's) ass — TFD

Vulgar Slang To take measures to avoid being held responsible if something goes wrong.

"The police were more interested in covering their asses than in finding the killer."

It's like what Mari-LouA comments: A person adds a preamble to justify the use of a word because they are afraid of offending someone. They don't want to be accused of generalizing or making sweeping statements.

The method applied could be called:

Circumlocutory — M-W

using or containing more words than necessary to express an idea

the studio's statement that “the film's earnings did not live up to expectations” was a circumlocutory admission that the movie was a flop.

synonyms: circuitous, wordy, diffuse, garrulous, logorrheic, long-winded, pleonasic, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy

Say in a roundabout way — TFD

to imply something without saying it; to say something indirectly; to speak using circumlocution.

"Why don't you say what you mean? Why do you always say something in a roundabout way?"
"What did she mean? Why did she say it in a roundabout way?"

Beat around the bush — TFD

Fig. to avoid answering a question; to stall; to waste time.

"Stop beating around the bush and answer my question."
"Let's stop beating about the bush and discuss this matter."

To speak evasively or misleadingly, or to stall or waste time. To flush pheasants and other birds so they could be shot, British gamekeepers hired beaters who would swing sticks at likely places where the birds might be lurking. Not to go directly to such foliage but to work around it instead gave the impression of wasting time or not trying very hard to raise the birds; hence, beating around the bush.