What is the differences between INT and FTH?

I finished dark souls 2 in STR build and I know about how DEX and STR works and what is differences for example:

STR weapons are powerful and deal a lot of damage to enemIES and weapons are big but slow and character is more like a tank. More using shield instead of roll (optional)

DEX weapons are fast but deal less damage and the weapons are small. Character is Fast and roll more than using shield (optional)

So here is differences between DEX and STR. Can some one explain differences between FTH and INT like that? And more complete like explaining about weapons difference, scrolls difference, character and class difference,etc.

And if you can please tell differences of INT and FTH in dark souls?

Solution 1:

See Stats:

Intelligence: Meets Intelligence requirements for equipment and sorceries; Increases damage on weapons with INT scaling; Magic Adjustment UP for most catalysts

Faith: Meets Faith requirements for equipment and miracles; Increases damage on weapons with FTH scaling; Magic Adjustment UP for most talismans; Magic Defense UP

So, basically, if you are caster and prefer Miracles - lvl FTH and use weapon with better FTH scaling, if you prefer sorceries - lvl INT and use weapon with INT scaling.