On Xcode 7 I keep receiving error "No accounts with iTunes connect access"

When I try to submit my app with the new seed Xcode 7.1 beta (7B60) I receive a weird error by which it complaints that there is "No accounts with iTunes connect access - iTunes connect access for... is required. Add an account in the Accounts preference pane", while of course the account is there and kicking as you may see in the attached screenshot. I already had to delete all my profiles and restore them again in order to be successfully codesigned, now this. Please tell me how I may fix it.enter image description here

Technical role added

Technical role detail

For me I had to remove my account from Xcode > preferences > accounts > Apple IDs by pressing the "-" bottom left. Then The "+" and adding back in my details. Nothing to do with Technical accounts being required. As being Admin gives you full access and privileges anyway.

Remove the Apple ID you're experiencing issues with from your Accounts list. Then, add the Apple ID back to the Accounts list.