What is ecotraining in CSGO?

Few days back, I had downloaded some extremely difficult, high-reflex bot profiles to have more fun. (because expert bots were losing to me)

There was an ecotraining.cfg configuration file, which I pasted in the directory and executed it from the console.

I found out that after executing it, the CTs had 3 bots with rifles and my T side had me as the lone player with only a P250 equipped. (No buy menu, only you can acquire M4s dropped on the ground)

I wanted to know about this thing, it makes me more frustrating.


Link for the ecotraining.cfg : Download

Solution 1:

Given your explanation of the cfg, it would appear that it's designed to simulate an Eco round.

That is when you have lost a series of rounds (or lost the first ever round), the last one of which was a gun round, you don't have enough money for a full buy but your enemy does.

In such cases "Eco" is called where you save your money during that round and only get cheep but good pistol and maybe one nade.

Solution 2:

I found the reddit post of the user who created a version of this here.

As mentioned above, this is mostly used for practicing your pistols vs rifles when you are half buying/full eco.