Is there a way to skip the cinematic when resonating with a blade?

Edit as of the 1.3.0 update: You can now skip these cutscenes. Thanks Monolith.

At this time, the initial ~10s cutscene where the character holds the core crystal in front of them, and the blades appear above them is not skippable.

The blade-specific cutscene afterwards can be skipped by pausing with + and pressing A.

According to Monolith Soft, an option to skip the resonating blade cutscene will be coming next week in the v1.30 update.

There are also five updates that will apply not only to the Advanced New Game Mode, but to your first playthrough, as well.

• A locking mechanism to lock certain Blades in your party.

The option to skip the Blade resonating scene.

• While expanded, the mini-map can display the same icons you have set up on the Skip Travel screen.

• Easy Mode added to the game difficulty. The original game difficulty level is Normal Mode. You can change the difficulty level at any time with the in-game options.

• New sorting options for Accessories, Aux Cores, and Blade Lists.

Source: - Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Director Takahashi reveals new update information