How to play tactically in CS:GO? [closed]

Solution 1:

By playing tactically, I assume you mean the playstyle used in competitive mode. The thing about that is, CS:GO has always been made to be played with a competitive mindset, and while there are other gamemodes, there is quite a difference between Competitive mode and the others.

Gamemodes likes Deathmatch or Arm Races are made for you to quickly kill and die, because you can buy the weapons you want as often as you like: this results in the game being way more fast paced, but get this: it greatly reduces the experience factor. These gamemodes are made for you to learn how to shoot guns, and to know the maps. What I am getting at is, the tactical part of CS:GO really kicks in in Competitive mode, where the stakes are high, you cannot afford to die just to get a kill and you are working with a team towards a goal. My point is, there is no use playing strategically in modes other than Competitive because it's just a huge mess, and you shouldn't rush in the ennemy team in Competitive because that would also be missing the point.

That being said, here are the advices I can give you to learn what we call the "brain" side of gameplay in CS:GO. Firstly, I would advise using a headset if you aren't already, because "sounding" is very important. Sounding is what takes place when you try to hear ennemy footsteps to deduce their locations. CS:GO's sounds engineering allows that.

Secondly, I would also say you should start by playing the same maps over and over to get to know them. In my CS:GO days, I only played Inferno, for example. Each map offers a great range of hiding, shooting, and embushing position you should learn. Playing the same map over and over will also allow you to predict what distance the ennemy at the beginning of the round because you will know how far he could go around the map in a given time period. "Playing tactically" also involves learning where to plant the bomb, where to hide to protect it, and making quick choices, such as deciding to defuse and risk it or killing the ennemies but letting the bomb blow because you were too slow. If you so wish, you could go watch professional players play because you can learn a lot of things you might not suspect from the game by their playstyles.

Changing your gameplaystyle means being aware of your surroundings, gaining quicker reflexes, managing ammo, life and grenades by being cautious before going out of your hiding position, in summary.