Mechanics associated with Headshots in WW2?

It seems obvious that headshots do more damage, but I'm beginning to question that since quite often I come into two scenarios (I believe this was with the type-100 but I don't remember exact specifics).

  • 4 shots to kill. All 4 landing on the upper body.
  • 4 shots to kill. 2 shots to the head, 2 shots to the upper body.

Given this, it makes me question whether headshots actually do increased damage or if they're just there to boast your accuracy/skill.

Secondly, it only counts as a headshot if the killing shot hits the head correct?

Solution 1:

Every gun has a different damage stats so they do different amounts of damage and may take more bullets to kill someone.

For instance each sniper has different stats; some can one shot most of you, some can only one shot the head. That implies head shots do more damage. And yes a head shot only counts when hitting the head. Read the description below snipers as an example. Lee Enfield: " shot kill to torso and above".

Perusing a few forums and speculation, they say the multiplier used to be 1.5x but now it's 1.1x;

You can see a list of guns and their stats here.