Generating caps with Trading Post

You can actually make money using these trading posts for your settlement using 2 methods.

1) They generate their own caps and place it in the workshop. (probably less than 500, i have not seen it go over that yet) I have not tested when they reset to placing this in the workshop.

2) You can sell items to them. Depending on your investments this can result in more than 1200 caps per barter. I invested in every shop I have in Sanctuary. This usually resets once every 48 hours.

For number 2:

  • You might have a water farm. You get all the purified water then go to your shops and sell them there.
  • You might also have bullets you don't use. You can sell them there.

I can make at the least about 3000 caps (I have tier 3 shops general, weapons, armor, food and clinic) going through the shops every time I visit a settlement.

I made a box besides the workshop where I can transfer all the scraps and other items generated by my settlement. This way I can sell what I don't need to the shops easily.