Steam fails to Launch game

When i try to launch any game in steam it comes up with preparing to launch for e.g Dota 2 then that box closes and never loads game up.

Any help would be appreciated.

Try this:

  • Right click on TF2 in your library → Properties → Set Launch Options
  • If you only have optirun, enter: optirun %command%

The above did not work for me and I had to set the launch options as


This occurred for me after backing up a game. It would show the 'Preparing to launch' dialog box then close it without launching. The solution for me was this:

  1. Make a backup of the game.
  2. 'Delete local content' for the game (in Right-click -> Delete local content)
  3. Restore the game from your previous backup.

I got the same problem with other games and could fix it by out commenting the lines

GAME_DEBUGGER="strace -f -o strace.log" LD_PRELOAD=../src/thirdparty/gperftools-2.0/.libs/$LD_PRELOAD

in the launch script, hope this helps