How to delete and create a new firefox profile from tty1?
How to delete and create a new firefox profile from TTY1?
To delete all Firefox settings type:
mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup
in a terminal. On next startup Firefox will create a new ~/.mozilla
directory for a new session with default settings.
To restore your settings type:
mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.newbackup
mv ~/.mozilla.backup ~/.mozilla
This way you can create a variety of settings to restore when needed.
WARNING: This will delete everything in the Firefox config - there is no undo.
With that out of the way, to do that, you can run the following in the terminal.
rm -rf ~/.mozilla
rm -rf ~/.cache/mozilla
This will delete local settings and cache, including the extensions.
EDIT: Thanks to one of the comments, there is a way to backup the firefox config. To do that, follow the line below instead.
cd ~/.mozilla && mkdir backup && cp -r ./extensions ./backup && cp -r ./firefox* ./backup && rm -rf ./firefox* ./extensions