Skip arguments in a JavaScript function

I have a function like this:

function foo(a, b, c, d, e, f) {

In order to call this function only with an f argument, I know I should do:

foo(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, theFValue);

Is there a less verbose way to do this?

I selected some proposed solutions (without using helper third functions)

// zero - ideal one, actually not possible(?!)
foo(f: fValue);

// one - asks a "strange" declaration
var _ = undefined;
foo(_, _, _, _, _, fValue);

// two - asks the {} to be used instead of a 'natural' list of args
//     - users should be aware about the internal structure of args obj
//       so this option is not 'intellisense friendly'
function foo(args){
    // do stuff with `args.a`, `args.b`, etc.
foo({f: fValue});


foo(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, arg1, arg2);

.is equal to:

foo(...Array(5), arg1, arg2);


foo(...[,,,,,], arg1, arg2);


foo(undefined, arg1, arg2);

.is equal to:

foo(...Array(1), arg1, arg2);


foo(...[,], arg1, arg2);


foo(arg1, arg2);

.is equal to:

foo(...Array(0), arg1, arg2);


foo(...[], arg1, arg2);

You could use apply:

foo.apply(this, Array(5).concat([theFValue]));

In this case, 5 is the amount of parameters you want to skip.

Wrap that in a function:

function call(fn, skipParams, parameter) {
    fn.apply(this, Array(skipParams).concat([parameter]));

call(foo, 5, theFValue);

However, in that case the scope of this is different, so you may need to pass that, too:

function call(fn, skipParams, parameter, thisArg) {
    fn.apply(thisArg, Array(skipParams).concat([parameter]));

call(foo, 5, theFValue, this);

Then again, this implementation only allows 1 parameter to be passed. Let's improve that:

function call(fn, skipParams, parameters, thisArg) {
    fn.apply(thisArg, Array(skipParams).concat(parameters));

call(foo, 5, [theFValue, theGValue, theHValue], this);

That's starting to get a "little" verbose. It also doesn't handle missing parameters after the first parameter that well, unless you want to pass undefined:

call(foo, 5, [theFValue, theGValue, theHValue, undefined, theJValue], this);

Or, something completely different:

var _ = undefined;
foo(_,_,_,_,_, theFValue);

On a more serious note:

Your best option to deal with optional parameters, is to change the way you're handling parameters. Simply pass an object:

function foo(parameters){
    // do stuff with `parameters.a`, `parameters.b`, etc.

foo({c: 1, g: false});

This approach doesn't suffer from any of the drawbacks in the earlier examples.

A better way to deal with optional arguments is to pass an object whose attributes you look up:

function foo(options) {
    var a = options.a,
        b = options.b,
        c = options.c,
        d = options.d,
        e = options.e,
        f = options.f;

foo({ f: 15 });

Skip function:

const skip = (num) => new Array(num);

Skipping beginning params:

foo(...skip(4), f);

Skipping end params:

foo(f, ...skip(4));

Skipping middle params:

foo(f, ...skip(4), f2);

If you will pass an object with a property name f so you can use destructuring assignment with ES6 syntax like this:

function foo({ f }) {
foo({ g: 5, f: 10 });