Multiple commands on same line

I've been trying to find something that will let me run multiple commands on the same line in Vim, akin to using semicolons to separate commands in *nix systems or & in Windows. Is there a way to do this?

Solution 1:

A bar | will allow you to do this. From :help :bar

'|' can be used to separate commands, so you can give multiple commands in one line. If you want to use '|' in an argument, precede it with '\'.


:echo "hello" | echo "goodbye"



NB: You may find that your ~/.vimrc doesn't support mapping |, or \|. In these cases, try using <bar> instead.

Solution 2:

Put <CR> (Carriage Return/Enter) between and after commands. For example:

map <F5> :w<CR>:!make && ./run<CR>

Don't use | because:

  • Some commands have problems if you use | after them

  • | does not work consistently in configuration files, see :help map_bar

Solution 3:

You could define a function that executes your commands.

function Func()

And place this in, for example, your vimrc. Run the function with

exec Func()

Solution 4:

The command seperator in vim is |.

Solution 5:

I've always used ^J to separate multiple commands by pressing Ctrl+v, Ctrl+j.