remote command execution on Windows 2003 server

Solution 1:

What problems are you having with PSExec and W2k3 exactly? We use the two together extensively, in a 500+ W2k3 server environment...

In fact, the whole PSTools suite rocks my world.


This is a followup to your edit of the original ticket.

The problem you're encountering is that "copy" is a function of CMD.exe. It doesn't exist as its own executable in its own right. Same as there is no Del.exe, or MD.exe etc.

If you want your example to work you need to invoke CMD via PSexec, and pass the copy command to that. Here's an example:

psexec -u MyDomain\MyUsername -p MyPassword \\MyServer cmd.exe /c copy c:\sys\util\monitor_localhost.bat blah.bat

The result is as follows:

PsExec v1.86 - Execute processes remotely Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals -

1 file(s) copied. cmd.exe exited on fcgwnt53 with error code 0.

Solution 2:

Admin Arsenal allow you to execute remote commands to one, some, or all of your windows systems. It's free to try.

After you select which computer(s) to execute your command on, simply select Tools -> Remote Command and you're on your way.

Solution 3:

The way to execute command remotely in a windows environment is with Winrm and WINrs. See How to enable Windows Remote Shell and How WinRM & WinRS can help you, how to enable then, and examples of how you can use them.