Variable table name in sqlite

Unfortunately, tables can't be the target of parameter substitution (I didn't find any definitive source, but I have seen it on a few web forums).

If you are worried about injection (you probably should be), you can write a function that cleans the string before passing it. Since you are looking for just a table name, you should be safe just accepting alphanumerics, stripping out all punctuation, such as )(][;, and whitespace. Basically, just keep A-Z a-z 0-9.

def scrub(table_name):
    return ''.join( chr for chr in table_name if chr.isalnum() )

scrub('); drop tables --')  # returns 'droptables'

For people searching for a way to make the table as a variable, I got this from another reply to same question here:

It said the following and it works. It's all quoted from mhawke:

You can't use parameter substitution for the table name. You need to add the table name to the query string yourself. Something like this:

query = 'SELECT * FROM {}'.format(table)

One thing to be mindful of is the source of the value for the table name. If that comes from an untrusted source, e.g. a user, then you need to validate the table name to avoid potential SQL injection attacks. One way might be to construct a parameterised query that looks up the table name from the DB catalogue:

import sqlite3

def exists_table(db, name):
    query = "SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name = ?"
    return db.execute(query, (name,)).fetchone() is not None