Is there a feminine equivalent of "emasculate"?

Solution 1:

Found this:

William Safire in The San Francisco Chronicle, This World, Nov. 16,1986, p.19, discusses the possible opposites for emasculate. He concludes that defeminate is best, after also considering effeminate, spay, hysterectate, demulierize, gyneclate, degynify, and exogynate.

Seems he got it from Dr. Mary Stopes, described here in Margaret Jackson's The Real Facts of Life: Feminism and the Politics of Sexuality, c1850-1940:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Like Ham and Bacon, I would have chosen "defeminise" as the closest analogue of "emasculate" in the sense of "Deprive (a man) of his male role or identity". It also has the advantage of not being completely obscure.