How to replace missing icons with another icon-pack?

Is there a way to replace missing icons with icons in another pack we prefer instead of Hi-Color that Ubuntu uses by default?

Solution 1:

Try adding the icon to ~/.icons using the same name used in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/.... The point is that applications look first on ~/.icons for the icons they need.

For example, the icon for Nautilus is /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/nautilus.svg. If you want to override it, add the icon you want to /home/username/.icons with the name nautilus.svg (must be a .svg image in this case).

If ~/.icons does not exists you need to create it

cd && mkdir .icons

Notice that, in general, you should use the same folder structure used in /usr/share/icons/hicolor. That is the way you add a new icon theme for example.