How should I set the PATH variable on my Mac so the Hombrew-installed tools are found?

I found this related post to be very helpful. Instead of changing the $PATH variable, it just has you simply edit your /etc/paths file.

Homebrew wants me to amend my PATH; no clue how

As soon as I followed the directions and put /usr/local/bin above /usr/bin, my issues were resolved.

  1. On OS X, open Terminal
  2. Type the command: sudo vi /etc/paths
  3. Enter your password if you're asked for it
  4. You will see a list of paths. Edit them so that /usr/local/bin path is entered above the /usr/bin path
  5. *Save and quit
  6. Restart Terminal

Here's what mine looks like after I did that:


*To save and quit type a colon (:), then type wq (to write and quit at the same time), followed by Enter.

You can also open the /etc/paths file in a graphical text editor and edit it that way.

Credit to fengd over at Stack Overflow for his answer over there.

This answer is obsolete. The preferred Homebrew PATH ordering used to be as explained, but that is no longer true. However, the approach is more generally applicable, so for interest’s sake, I’m leaving it up.

You shouldn’t.

Homebrew intentionally keeps /usr/local/bin after /usr/bin in the path for maximum compatibility. Reversing the order of these directories in PATH by editing /etc/paths would mean that all programs anywhere on the system, no matter how they were started, will get the Homebrew version of a command. But some may specifically expect Apple’s version, or just not be able to use a newer version, etc.

How to preserve this principle and still get the Homebrew-installed version of git? As the saying goes, all problems can be solved with a layer of indirection (except having too many layers of indirection). — Or in this case, as it turns out, two layers.

Specifically, it’s been part of my Unix habits to have a ~/bin directory which I put at the start of my PATH. This is one of the first bits in my .bashrc:

[[ :$PATH: == *:$HOME/bin:* ]] || PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

This checks whether PATH contains ~/bin, and if not, prepends it. With that in place, then selectively making just the Homebrew-managed git take precedence over the system version (instead of every Homebrew-managed binary), and just for your shell sessions (instead of all programs started from anywhere, including GUI programs), is as simple as symlinking it:

ln -s /usr/local/bin/git ~/bin/git

You could symlink /usr/local/Cellar/git/ directly, but then you would have to fix your symlink every time you did a brew upgrade git (directly or indirectly). By symlinking to Homebrew’s fixed-location symlink, you don’t have to worry about it.

So you add a directory to your $HOME so you can add it your PATH so you can symlink to a symlink, and that fixes your problem and puts a smile on Dr Seuss. Yo dawg I herd you like symlinks so we put a path in your PATH so you can symlink while you symlink.

You haven't done anything wrong, but it does seem pretty clear that if you had /usr/local/bin in your path before /usr/bin this specific problem would go away. The easiest fix is to do just that and put something like

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

in your ~/.bash_profile so everything that Homebrew installs is found first. That's the way that I have it set up on my Mac, and it has worked for me for this long, however, YMMV.

It does appear that they believe it would work with /usr/local/bin being after /usr/bin, so while I might have mucked up my own $PATH, I can see where their documentation lacks:

Note that you should put /usr/local/bin after /usr/bin because some programs will expect to get the system version of, e.g., ruby, and break if they get the newer Homebrew version.

From Discrepancy between wiki & brew doctor #10738.  Note that this document goes on to say, "The FAQ (the above quote) refers to the PATH setting for GUI apps; the doctor (the advice to put /usr/local/bin ahead of /usr/bin in your PATH) refers to the PATH setting for CLI apps."

I disagree with jthomas' answer. Editing your /etc/paths file will change the load paths for all programs. This could be dangerous if a system application is expecting to find a specific version of a binary but finds a different version because you have edited your paths file. Instead, change your path variable in ~/.bashrc (or ~/.bash_profile). Then your load path will only change inside the terminal:

# Add homebrew app to PATH
export PATH=/path/to/homebrew/app/bin:$PATH

Then reload bash or source ~/.bashrc, and you're good to go. Since the homebrew path comes before anything else, bash will load the version that you downloaded with homebrew.

As I understand it, brew doesn't put anything in /usr/local/bin that collides (has the same name as) an Apple distributed executable. Therefore, having /usr/local/bin in the path before /bin and /usr/bin shouldn't be an issue, because there should be no name collisions. *However, see the issues with ls and tar, and using other package aggregators like fink and port (MacPorts), way below.

Brew does one of two things that I know of that help manage name collisions:

  1. Brew leaves unlinked kegs in the Cellar. To install stuff, brew leaves the tools where they are, and creates symbolic links to those tools in /usr/local/bin. For tools which brew doesn't want a name collision with, it doesn't create a symbolic link.
  2. For many if not all of the standard tools which are also in /bin and /usr/bin, brew prefixes the link in /usr/local/bin with a "g", so for instance, to perform an ls with a brew version, use gls. Simply do an ls -l in /usr/local/bin and look for the linked files - those are the ones brew put there. Note: The brew installed tools that must be accessed by their real names are found in /usr/local/Cellar/coreutils/8.21/libexec/gnubin.

I don't put /usr/local/bin in my path for two reasons - those reasons are at the bottom of my answer.

To assess the name collisions in your system, use brew doctor and look for this section - Here's the brew doctor's output of interest:

Warning: /usr/bin occurs before /usr/local/bin
This means that system-provided programs will be used instead of those
provided by Homebrew. The following tools exist at both paths:


Consider setting your PATH so that /usr/local/bin
occurs before /usr/bin. Here is a one-liner:
    echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

The reason I don't put brew's tools first, in fact, not at all, is because the brew installed ls and tar commands do not handle the filesystem ACL properly, in fact, last time I checked (which was last week), they weren't handled at all. This is a BIG problem, and to avoid it altogether, along with the associated man page configuration issue that tags along with setting the $PATH right, I make sure I put the OSX related tools, especially those found in /bin and /usr/bin, first.

Another reason I don't even put /usr/local/bin in my path at all is because brew doesn't play well with others, and fink and port (MacPorts) have way more supported packages at present that I need NOW. For instance, I can get gnome-terminal with fink, but it would be a big effort to construct a formula and do the same with brew. So, I keep /sw and /opt in my search $PATH (for fink and port, respectively) and reference things I need from /usr/local/bin, including gnat, either spelled out, or I use bash alias's, or I source a setup file for an entirely different environment when I writing Ada code.

The thing is, it really depends on what you want and need at the time.

Here's an example of the ACL problem that I mentioned above.

With the standard OSX tools:

$ /bin/ls -le /var/root | head -7
total 24
drwx------+  3 root  wheel  102 May 28  2013 Desktop
 0: group:everyone deny delete
 1: user:_spotlight inherited allow list,search,readattr,readextattr,readsecurity,file_inherit,directory_inherit
drwx------+  6 root  wheel  204 Sep 19 14:22 Documents
 0: group:everyone deny delete
 1: user:_spotlight inherited allow list,search,readattr,readextattr,readsecurity,file_inherit,directory_inherit

and with the brew installed tools:

$ /usr/local/bin/gls -le /var/root
/usr/local/bin/gls: invalid option -- 'e'
Try '/usr/local/bin/gls --help' for more information.


$ /usr/local/bin/gls --help | grep -i acl

You'll get similar results with tar and I don't know home many other brew tools, but who can afford to have something break 6 months down the road because of an ACL problem!