Closed loop gas system for cooling

I'm having issues when setting up a "closed (infinite) loop gas pipe" in Oxygen Not Included. Does anyone have a set of reliable instructions for building such a system within the game? (to be used for cooling).

Start with a long a long pipe with a pump at the input and a gas vent at the output. Pump a bunch of gas through it, then connect the output pipe to the input pipe and disconnect the pump and the vent. And voila, you have gas which circles infinitely through the pipe without needing to spend any energy pumping it.

Except... not quite. Sometimes you wind up with each gas "packet" getting briefly stuck somewhere, such that every packet is only moving every other tick instead of every tick. Sometimes some of your gas packets decide to stop and turn around - in general, the gas is still flowing in a circle, but there are back ups which slow the whole thing to a crawl.

There are lots of tutorials on how to set up the infinite toilet/water seive loop, but none that I could find on this kind of gas loop. But I've seen it, so I'm pretty sure it can be made to work.

Anyone know how to do this consistently? Or, can anyone confirm that there's a mechanic (e.g. friction inside pipes) that would prevent this perpetual motion machine from working long term?

Liquids and gasses in pipes work the same, so the tutorials involving loops apply just the same. In order to have a good loop you need to tell the loop which direction to take via pipe bridges.

I'd suggest deconstructing two sections of the pipe and build a bridge on one side of the section (the part of the bridge to be built onto the section must be the input).

Wait until all gasses move in next to each other and then build the closing pipe from the bridge output onto the rest of the loop.

I suggest you to read into this guide so you can learn more about bridges, pipe priorities and pipe core mechanics here.