More accurate terms for one-sided business information?

The expressions such as "one-sided", "misleading", "just marketing" and "flawed" are more neutral and casual to more extreme terms such as "propaganda", "brainwash" and "wrong". I want to learn very selective terms to describe official material such as annual letters, reports and news carrying very little value in finance and business where information can be hard to understand without being an insider or experienced professional, potentially written in a language that a minority can only understand.


  1. What are more lively terms for one-sided information?
  2. What are more neutral terms for one-sided ambiguous information?
  3. What are more stressing terms for one-sided clearly wrong information?
  4. What are more neutrals terms for clear brainwashing?

You are sort of asking a lot, here. In the future it may be better to try keeping a question to one question. But anyway:

(Do note that a few of the words can drift from category to category)

What are more lively terms for one-sided information?

  • biased
  • skewed
  • distorted
  • tainted
  • prejudiced
  • discriminatory

What are more neutral terms for one-sided ambiguous information?

  • suspect
  • questionable
  • tilted
  • limited
  • not researched
  • lazy
  • misleading

What are more stressing terms for one-sided clearly wrong information?

  • deceptive
  • underhanded
  • counterfeit
  • unscrupulous
  • duplicitous
  • fabricated
  • falsified
  • bullshit

What are more neutrals terms for clear brainwashing?

  • inculcated
  • trojan
  • viral
  • implanted
  • possessed
  • indoctrinated
  • conditioned
  • zealous

Applying a thesaurus to any of these could easily extend the list.