"changing property masksToBounds in transform-only layer, will have no effect" in Xcode 7

I am receiving this warning in the debugger console when I launch my app on iPad Xcode 7 beta 6. There was no such warning till Xcode 6. I don't understand why it may have come and that too, only on iPad.

According to an Apple forum thread it could be a bug from Apple's side. Has anyone found a solution for this?

Solution 1:

In order to get rid of this error un check clip to bounds option and put scale to fill to view to all view,UIStackView you have used in your project.

Solution 2:

This is a bug in iOS, and still exists in the latest version, iOS 9.1. If you're reading this, please do us all a favor and file a bug report with Apple.

You may duplicate my radar (id: 23666339), which can be viewed on Open Radar here: https://openradar.appspot.com/23666339

The bug causes the keyboard to take forever to appear, and exists only on iPad as well as the iPad simulators.

UPDATE: This issue has been resolved as of iOS 9.2 (13C75).

Solution 3:

It could happen because you changed drawing attribute of the StackView:

enter image description here

when I set clips to bounds to true I get this warning

Solution 4:

In case anybody is facing this issue because of a UIStackView in iOS 14, please check out this article:


Long story short:

In iOS 14, UIStackView has changed from using a CATransformLayer to using a CALayer. I saw this first mentioned by Renaud Lienhart (@layoutsubviews) and then confirmed by David Duncan (@rincewindsama). This change is not (yet) mentioned in any release note or documentation (bug report FB8363575).