Job queue for Hive action in oozie

A. Oozie specifics Oozie propagates the "regular" Hadoop properties to a "regular" MapReduce Action.

But for other types of Action (Shell, Hive, Java, etc.) where Oozie runs a single Mapper task in YARN, it does not consider that it's a real MapReduce job. Hence it uses a different set of undocumented properties always prefixed with oozie.launcher. Look into that post for example.

So in your case the actual property to set would be

B. TEZ specifics Excerpt from HortonWorks documentation:

For example, in Hive you can use the property in hive-site.xml to specify the queue to use for Hive-on-Tez jobs. To assign Hive-on-Tez jobs to use the "engineering" queue, add the following property to hive-site.xml:

<property>  <name></name> <value>engineering</value> </property>