How to get multiple select box values using jQuery?

How to get multiple select box values using jQuery?

Using the .val() function on a multi-select list will return an array of the selected values:

var selectedValues = $('#multipleSelect').val();

and in your html:

<select id="multipleSelect" multiple="multiple">
    <option value="1">Text 1</option>
    <option value="2">Text 2</option>
    <option value="3">Text 3</option>

jQuery .val()

  var foo = $('#multiple').val(); 

You can also use js map function:

$("#multipleSelect :selected").map(function(i, el) {
    return $(el).val();

And then you can get any property of the option element:

return $(el).text();
return $(el).data("mydata");
return $(el).prop("disabled");