What is a good strategy for killing Witches in Minecraft? [duplicate]

I was playing Minecraft and I kept getting killed by a witch. Is there any good strategies for taking down a witch? I have tried going straight in and that did not work.

Solution 1:

Like many mobs in minecraft, the best way to take them down is from a distance. Using a bow and arrow is the most effective, but splash potions of harming can do the trick. If you have no access to either of those, I would recommend you just run from them unless you have an enchanted diamond sword.

The wiki page has some info on what kind of potions they throw and how to take them down with sword

A witch relies on using harmful potions, such as Poison, for ranged attack. The best way to fight a witch is to get in close and not let it get away. Keep hitting it, and it will fall quickly. Damage must be consistently dealt to a witch in order to kill it, as it has the ability to use healing potions to regenerate health.