MacBook Air mid 2011 Geekbench results too low

Solution 1:

I went to the Apple Service, where the guy has booted from an external hard drive and run the Repair Disk Permissions task from Disk Utility. That solved the issue!

Note: I did run Repair Disk Permissions before while trying to solve this problem, but it apparently couldn't fix some of the files due to that the disk was mounted. So, booting from an external disk is crucial here.

Solution 2:

Alright, another solution that worked for me. Got the same symptoms, but nothing helped this time, including my own original recipe (the one marked as the accepted answer).

Long story short: resetting SMC did the trick -

Just FYI, this time I tried the following before coming across the SMC reset trick:

  • Fixing all permission problems, including manual removing ACL on some system files.
  • Restoring from TimeMachine.
  • Clean reinstall of Lion.